Holiday Survival

With Christmas just 3 days away, I can’t be the only one who’s running around getting last minute gifts, baking, wrapping and just otherwise keeping quite busy. But I made a promise to myself this year to not let the stress of the season get to me, and I have to say that, all in all, I’ve kept that promise. My plan:

1. Work out at least 10 minutes a day, even if it’s a quick yoga routine. Mornings are a great time to get this daily energy booster in.

2. Eat well, and bring healthy snacks for “on the go” Christmas shopping (some of my faves right now – walnuts, almonds, dried or whole fruit). And I always start the day with a filling, wholesome breakfast, and I recommend my clients do the same. Refined carbs in the morning = crashing, unhealthy cravings and maybe even binges later on. And none of that’s gonna help you get all that shopping/wrapping/baking done…

3. Do a little each day, and stop when I feel stress coming on. Sometimes this means leaving a gift half wrapped until later that day or the next. Sometimes it means my Christmas cards get out a little late (oops!). But it also means learning that not every “chore” in life is urgent, and that forgiving yourself for not being perfect is an important skill to learn…for the holidays and the rest of the year.

4. Preparation is key for holiday survival. For those who know me, cooking and baking are not my favorite things. In fact, they’re just plain daunting. So, it’s not unusual for me to shop one day, prep vegetables and fruits the next (chopping things ahead of time saves a lot of time day-of), and making the dish the next. Crazy, I know…but there’s a lot less complaining all around when I break up tasks like this. And notice, I said vegetables and fruits…I always recommend bringing one healthy dish for each unhealthy one you prepare. So, if you’re making those famous Christmas cookies of yours, try a fruit salad or healthy appetizer too.

This is the first year in a long time that I’ve felt so stress-free on December 22nd. And I’m really quite a fan of this feeling. It’s a busy time of year, for sure, but it doesn’t have to be stressful. I’m a big advocate of finding balance in life, and if you can do this the week of Christmas, you’re off to a great start for the New Year!

Wishing all of my family, friends and clients a joyous holiday season and a happy, healthy New Year!!!

With warmest wishes, 
