My new favorite wearable tracker…

So, I’ve always been a data girl and you know I’m always trying to move the needle towards optimal health and longevity. So, I decided to do a little experiment this month and wear a cgm (continuous glucose monitor) for two weeks. And what I learned about my body was…SUPER helpful!!

I’ve always had borderline low blood sugar and have experimented with different styles of eating to keep myself balanced the best. But, I also know maintaining balanced blood sugar (whether you typically run too low or too high) is SO important in overall health, with effects on all our body organs/systems, sleep and mood regulation.
So…what did I learn after all???

The best breakfast for my body ⬆️⬆️

✨First- breakfast matters. Like, a lot. I almost always have my morning shake, but occasionally I have some oatmeal/berries/walnuts or some whole grain toast with peanut butter and fruit. When I tracked all these meals through the cgm app, the difference in my body’s response was pretty significant! Oatmeal (even with the nuts added) and toast? Quite a spike. My daily meal replacement shake? Completely steady blood sugar for 3-4 hours after the meal. Now, this wasn’t super surprising, as the meal replacement shakes I use have been studied and consistently show a really minimal glucose spike, but the significant difference between the meals was a bit surprising. (Here’s a link to try them if you want some guaranteed, sustained energy after a meal: )
Does this mean I won’t ever eat oats again? Of course not! But, I may add my protein powder to the oats and berries more often or pair it with a hard boiled egg.

✨I found the right type of intermittent fasting for my body. You all know I am a huge advocate for customized fasting protocols, as so many of my clients have seen drastic changes from them and the research into the health benefits of fasting just keep piling up. Most of my clients do really well with a 1-2 day supported intermittent fasting protocol (see the link above to get a discount on one of our supported fasting products), but I found my blood sugar stayed in a safe range with 12-14 hours of fasting. Since I don’t want to stress my system too much, that’s where I’ll focus my detoxing on for a while. Good to know 👌👌

✨I need to eat after exercise 💪This wasn’t super surprising either. I almost always recommend that my clients refuel with the right ratio of carbs:protein within 60 minutes of working out. But tracking my own body’s glucose response taught me that I need to lean closer to the 0-30 minute time frame. After a tough workout, I don’t wanna be in a catabolic (muscle breakdown) state, so post workout recovery is important for me!

✨Glucose regulation is REALLY important. I noticed that, more often than not, if I was feeling a bit more anxious or having trouble sleeping, it was often because of a rapid increase or decrease in glucose. Good to know!

Now, many of us are told by our doctors that we are healthy, but something might be telling us that we can feel better. I’m glad I advocated for myself and took this step towards understanding how my body works- perhaps you’ll consider it as well??

Tell me- have you ever used a cgm? What did you find most helpful??
To your health, ~Jess

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