Safe Summer Swaps

Is there anything better than Summer? In my book, there is absolutely not! I’ve always loved the hot, long, bright days, slower vibe, lots of time with friends and family, beach days and even a good ol’ summer afternoon storm. I love it all, and this summer I’m relishing in the slower pace with my family.

But, while my love for this season has not waivered since I’ve been a kid, my approach to summer has changed a bit. Now, I’ll never give up a good ice cream, day at the beach or time in the sun, I am more focused on protecting myself and my family as we enjoy all of it.

Remember last summer, when all the news about toxins and potential carcinogens in sunscreens came out? I do, cause I was already on a mission to find the safest sunscreen for my family and I was glad the news about sunscreen ingredients was finally being shared with the masses.

Have you been hearing about the increases in pesticides in our foods (even organic) as well?

I never want to be an alarmist, but I also think that we are all responsible for our own health (atleast until the government starts regulating food and farming practices with our health in mind a bit more – but more on that another day…). So, I’m sharing a quick guide about my favorite go to summer swaps:

Safe Sunscreen: I’m a big fan of getting vitamin D for overall health , so I do try to get a little time in the sun each day without sunblock on. But, in the parts of the day when the sun is super hot, I do cover myself and the kids. Non-negotiable in this area – the sunblock must be natural. I have a long list of ingredients I will avoid at all costs, but it’s easier for me to just share my fave non-toxic brands:

Beautycounter – this liquid sunscreen is what I use on myself and the kids. It works well, keeps our super fair skin protected, and isn’t too heavy.

Pure Haven Suscreen– This suncscreen stick is my favorite for wiggly kids. Many of you know the struggle of getting kids ready for camp in the morning when sunscreen is involved. Mine actually sit still when I apply this, even to their faces. What?!? Best. invention. ever. And I love Pure Haven because it is committed to being 100% toxin free as a brand, and I never have to worry about questionable ingredients.

Pure Haven Fruit and Veggie Wash – Aside from ice cream, the absolute best flavors of summer are all the fresh fruits and veggies, amiright??! Now, I buy organic 90% of the time, but recent research has shown that even organic foods carry some pesticides (think sprays from nearby farms). So, it’s not exactly sufficient to rinse your strawberries under cold water anymore. That’s why I love this natural spray – quick, easy and effective at getting those pesticides off!

Jason’s Toothpaste- After eating all those strawberries and ice cream cones, I’m a bit of a stickler about getting the kiddos to brush their teeth reallllly well. I was buying a brand of toothpaste for the kids that I thought was safe from harmful ingredients (good marketing on their part). But, sadly, I noticed some ingredients that I just can’t get behind (carageeneen, SLS). So, we switched to Jasons. The adults and kids in our household like the flavors, it definitely gives that clean feeling (which other brands haven’t done for me) and again, it’s free of harmful stuff and almost entirely earth sourced.

Isagenix Amped Hydrate – If you live in the Northeast like us, maybe you’ve been struggling in these crazy hot and humid temperatures too? And, with my kids outside in camp all day, I’m really pushing for us all to drink more water. But, if we’re sweating a lot, I’m also a advocate for getting some electrolytes in everybody’s water bottle. Instead of consuming the immense amounts of sugar, dyes and questionable ingredients in Gatorade or other sports drinks on the market, we add this electrolyte mix into our water bottles every afternoon. Try it here with a money back guarantee:

Scout and Cellar Wines – I’m not much of a drinker (those of you who knew me in college may be surprised by this :/) but, there sure are a lot of get togethers in the summer and I’m all for a good glass of Rose now and then. I love this brand of clean wines for the ingredients they use and DON’T use, and they way they make their wine. You can read more about them on your own, but trust me when I say this is a really good brand and the price point is awesome!

This list is not exhaustive and I know there are so many good products I don’t even know about yet. So, I’d love to have you all comment with your favorites too!

Let’s all make this a fun, safe and memorable rest of Summer!!

Why Does She Still Drink Those Shakes??

You guys know I’m a sucker for any new nutrition information that comes out, along with anything that supports healthy body composition and longevity!

I’m also a busy mom, therapist, coach and business owner- and life is just downright busy!!
So, when people ask me why I drink the nutritional shakes I do on a daily basis, the answer comes SO easily to me…

First…. it’s better to DRINK your protein, as your body doesn’t have to break it down like it does chicken or steak. This is particularly important for nutrient timing after a workout. So, if you’re like me and love to get in an early morning workout, it just makes sense to make this your breakfast of choice 🥤

I know this (Meal Replacement) shake is free of hormones and antibiotics which you can’t always say about our steak or chicken or even ‘other’ protein shakes out there. (Though SUPER important to buy your meat grass fed and free of antibiotics!!!) 🍗

I want un-compromised, un-denatured high quality protein in my body each day. Period.💫

Not all protein shakes are made the same. Many have fillers and artificial flavoring that our bodies are not designed for. Many meal replacements are advertised as “weight loss shakes”, but these shakes are about nutrient density. That’s a key difference for me, as I feel health and a healthy weight relies on filling in the nutrient gaps our conventional food leaves us with.

These shakes are safe for my whole family, and so much better for my kids than many other snacks and sports drinks out there. And my kids LOVE the taste! 🍓🍫

And this…this is a big one for me, given a history of food sensitivities: these shakes are certified gluten free, soy free, non GMO (hooray!!) and offered in dairy free options. There is truly something for everyone! 🙌🏼

For me… these meal replacement shakes help me FEEL BETTER, sleep better, have more energy, maintain a healthy body composition, feel empowered, maintain my busy schedule, curb my sweet tooth cravings, save me TONS of money and are super convenient and delicious…
You too WILL benefit both short term and long term and everywhere in between from this Meal Replacement Shake!

And right now, I’d love to offer you 25% off any shake of your choosing. Comment below for a link to shop your flavors!

To your health, friends!
