How Does Your Protein Powder Measure Up??

My favorite breakfast/post workout meal!! 💪

A very popular conversation topic that has come up with many of my clients lately is around the idea of protein shakes. The best part of this is I see that my clients are beginning to understand the importance of consuming protein to lose fat and gain muscle- and many are seeing the difference of paying attention to this macronutrient. 👌👌
Many people ask me what makes a protein shake good? Can we just buy our protein at the grocery store?? Can you buy the less expensive ones and are they still good??
My answer is a big huge MAYBE!! Here are some of the criteria you can use to see how your protein stacks up ⬇️⬇️
⭐️If you are replacing a meal- say breakfast-make sure your shake has a full macronutrient profile. Our brains and bodies NEED healthy fats and carbs too- so don’t go with just protein if this is a meal for you.
⭐️Look for UNDENATURED whey. If you can tolerate whey protein, it really is the most beneficial for muscle synthesis. But, not all whey is manufactured well. We want whey that was manufactured with low heat filtration, so the structure of the protein doesn’t get broken down before we can absorb it!
⭐️Happy cows🐮 If you’re consuming dairy, you’re really gonna do yourself a favor by making sure the dairy comes from cows that are never given any artificial hormones and are treated well (with lots of time on the pasture)
⭐️Protein pacing.For optimal results, make sure your shake has at least 20 grams of protein.
⭐️BCAA’s.💪🏻 Branched-chain amino acids are key here- which are high in undenatured whey protein. In particular leucine is considered the main signal in stimulating muscle synthesis while preventing muscle breakdown.
⭐️To my fellow plant based friends: We (thankfully) have lots more options these days when it comes to plant based protein sources, but not all are created equally. You want to make sure your plant based sources make up a complete amino acid profile. My favorite sources use some combinations of mung bean, fava bean, pea and brown rice.
⭐️No-Compromise!!! This is a BIG one for me! There have been multiple reports of protein powders containing lead/heavy metals and no amount of gaining muscle is gonna make that ok. Heavy metals are at least partially responsible for so many chronic conditions (skin conditions, gut conditions, insomnia, fatigue, the list goes on and on…) Make sure the company you purchase from is testing for these heavy metals!! Unfortunately, companies have to pay a bit more for this- so if you’re excited your Costco protein is half the price of others on the market, that is likely due to the fact that it is made with cheaper ingredients and not tested for these contaminants :/
These are the reasons I don’t shop for protein at my grocery store. Believe me- I have bought plenty from Whole Foods in the past, but finding a reliable, clean, high quality brand has completely changed that for me! The good news- there are lots of great options out there these days, but you may need to look beyond the grocery shelves…🛒

⭐️Lastly- and this is where I can go on a bit of a tangent…PLEASE watch for dangerous ingredients in your protein! Companies are catching on to the fact that consumers are monitoring their sugar intake. Which would be fabulous if it didn’t mean they were putting lots of other dangerous stuff in there :/ Highest on the lost of concerning ingredients for me: artificial sweeteners!! There are quite a few types out there, but some of the names to watch out for are aspartame and sucralose. The dangers of these are too extensive to list here. All I can recommend is researching and avoiding at all costs! Also- excessive sugar alcohols can be bothersome to some people (can lead to gut discomfort) so just check the label for those too. Carageeneen is another ingredient I would definitely research before putting in my body.

For those who don’t want to do all this research on their own, here’s my go- to brand:

I’d love to hear if you’re practicing protein pacing these days and what benefits you’ve noticed too⬇️⬇️

To your health,


Protect your body and our planet with these few steps…

Who else just loves a good podcast on their walks or drives into work?? 
I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts the other day, The Cabral Concept, and the topic was on plastic particles and their effect on our health. All of today’s info is from that episode, which I highly recommend you all listen to:

Now, I generally think of myself as pretty healthy and careful about my exposure to toxins. I limit processed foods, I don’t eat out of anything plastic, I use non toxic personal care and cleaning products, and I barely drink. But, this episode reminded me about how much plastic we are absorbing from our environment…and it’s not a minuscule amount. 2/3 of the people in a recent study were found to have micro plastics in their blood and this was highly linked to cardiovascular disease. Listen to the show for all the exact stats, but I urge all of us to think of 1-2 changes we can make to eliminate plastics where we can and detox from those we cannot avoid.

These are my top tips:

🚫Don’t microwave plastic or put plastic plates, containers, etc… in the dishwasher. It’s alarming how many times I see people heating up frozen meals or leftovers in plastic containers. I used to do it too, so I get that it’s convenient, but it’s equally convenient to store in Pyrex/glass containers and heat right in those. If you’re eating a frozen meal, see if you can transfer to a glass container before reheating. If you can’t, it might be worth foregoing that meal…

💦💦Glass or stainless steel water bottles!! I feel like many of us do this already, but I’m guilty of reaching for a plastic bottle at a party, etc…But if we think about it…we don’t know if that water bottle has been sitting in the heat, in which case, you can bet there’s some plastic leeching into what you’re drinking.

🛒Reusable grocery bags. Here’s another area I’m 50% in. I always bring my reusable bags to the store, but then use the smaller plastic bags for produce, etc…This is an easy switch for me to make and I plan on it 🙂

🥤Use glass bottles or stainless steel for sparkling water, smoothies, iced coffee, etc… Again, this just takes a little pre-planning but it’s a switch I plan to make.

🪀Reduce plastic toy exposure for kids. I sure wish I could go back in time, but since I can’t, I plan to try to buy the babies in my life cleaner, less toxic options whenever I can.

👩‍🍳Ditch the plastic cutting boards! My hubby and I made this switch many years ago and there’s no looking back. Those plastic cutting boards get pretty beat up and if always seemed a little dicey to me


Eating more cruciferius veggies is a simple way to detox our bodies. In addition to upping my veggie intake at all meals, I try to drink a serving of this non gmo, organic greens mixture every afternoon. It’s delicious and helps me get to my goal of 5-7 servings of fruits/veggies per day.

I also love my Cleanse for Life drink. I completely get it when people remind me that our livers are a naturally detoxifying organ. But our livers simply need support these days keeping up with how inundated we are with toxins. It feels pretty empowering to know there is something we CAN do to detox our bodies though!! You can shop for your greens and detox support here:

I’d love to hear if you’ve read/heard any research in this area and also how you manage to keep your plastic exposure minimized!! We’re all in this together!!

To your health ✨~Jess

Spring treats and good eats


Happy Easter weekend! Happy Passover soon! Happy Spring!

Despite the fact that it was snowing (what the heck?!!) here in MA this morning, our family is looking forward to a weekend full of egg hunts, friends, church celebrations and family visits!

Easter came early this year, so I didn’t have time to get a brand new blog out to you. So, I’m sharing and adding to the Easter blog from last year- read through it for some new recipe ideas and some good reminders of how we can, in fact, stay on track over a holiday weekend and still enjoy lots of good food!

I’m super excited to see friends and family this weekend and feast on lots of good stuff. I’ve been busy looking up healthier recipes to make. And there are so many- and guess what?? They can be JUST as delicious as our “traditional” holiday indulgences…

So I was inspired to throw together this quick blog for you with some fun Spring/Holiday ideas for your next get together too 🥗🍳🧇🥧

🍳LETS TALK BRUNCH! There’s probably not a meal out there that I enjoy more than brunch. And not just for the mimosas (though those don’t hurt). And believe it or not, brunch doesn’t have to be full of carbs and fat- it can even be tasty without those. My faves?? Make a huge fruit salad and a frittata. And better yet- make double so you have easy breakfasts and snacks for the week 👌👌

DON’T SKIMP ON VEGGIES : You know the best way to enjoy a holiday meal without feeling like crap after?? Fill half your plate with veggies. Yep- same thing you should be doing for all your meals, only on holidays, that other half of your plate may be filled with some yummy tradional foods you don’t get to eat very often. Awesome!! But, still nourish your body with some veggies!! If you’re heading to Easter lunch/dinner, bring a fun Spring salad or a cute veggie plate, like this one, found here:

I mean, how cute is this?!?!

KEEP APPETIZERS LIGHT: I don’t know about you, but I look forward to enjoying the meal, so I don’t like to fill up too much on heavy apps. This year, we’re putting out a fruit and cheese platter and I thought these peppers were super cute too! For a healthier option, I’d fill the peppers with hummus rather than cream cheese (but also cause I really hate cream cheese. I know- I’m one of very few but I stand firm in my dislike of this filling) Anyway, use a healthy filling and make this for a cute app:

AND LASTLY, DON’T FORGET A SWEET TREAT: What’s a holiday without some sweets, right? Personally, I do a very low gluten and lactose diet, and that can be hard when it comes to desserts. Here’s a recipe I’m gonna make for a sweet and refreshing Spring treat:

Love this for an Easter treat 🐰🐥//INGREDIENTS//-

1 cup almond flour

4 scoops vanilla IsaLean shake (you can find that here:

2 1/2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut (separated into 1 1/2 cups and 1 cup)

Juice and zest of 1 lemon

3 tbsp coconut oil

3 tbsp honey

1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp sea salt

DIRECTIONS: Put all the ingredients except 1 cup of coconut in a food processor and blend until well combined.Scoop out a heaped teaspoon of mixture and roll into a ball with hands.Finish off by rolling in coconut to cover the outside of the ball.Set in fridge for 1 hour to chill and set.

Wishing you all a beautiful weekend, time spent doing the things you absolutely love and joyful memories made ☀️☀️

Off to dye the Easter eggs with the kids! 🥚🥚
Cheers, friends!

Healthy Hydration…


Ok, so yesterday felt like Spring in Boston and I am here for it! 🌸🌼☀️

With the warmer weather on its way, I can’t help but noticing so many more people out and about running, biking, playing sports. The trainer in me loves this season- when we all crawl out from under the winter hibernation and start reaching for our health goals again, start spending more time outdoors, start MOVING as our bodies have been craving for months.

Simultaneously, I am noticing the marketing for “sports drinks” more and more these days. I see kids and adults walking around with many very popular electrolyte brands. Having concerns about some of the ingredients in these drinks, I decided to do some investigating at the grocery stores this week.

I’ll leave out names, because I’m not a fan of putting any company down, but there’s a very popular “sports drink” that came out recently (in the last few years) that has some benefits. Some forms of this super popular drink include branch chain amino acids- GREAT for muscle repair after workouts. This brand also has less sugar than the other popular sports drink that’s been around for decades. So that’s good 👌

However, this brand also carries some beverages that have a high amount of caffeine- so kids and teenagers should be very careful. Adults too- especially if they already drink other forms of caffeine or are drinking these later in the day.
Also, I have some definite concerns about artificial sweeteners and the reason many of these drinks are lower in sugar is because they contain artificial sweeteners. You can do your own research on these, but I’m personally concerned between the relationship between these ingredients and very significant chronic health conditions and dis-eases. Just an automatic no for my family- especially when there are better options out there!!

I have equally concerning thoughts about artificial colors. There are ways to color foods and drinks naturally, so if you see Red #40 or something similar in a product, you’d be doing your body a huge favor by putting it back on the shelf!!

Almost every other brand I found on store selves included some form of artificial sweeteners or TONS of sugar. One brand lists sugar as the first ingredient and had 12 grams of added sugar. Like, what?!!?

Sooooo…what do I hydrate with instead and give to my kids???

First- water is great! Some people don’t need electrolytes with every workout, but our cells do absorb water better with them, so…
AMPED HYDRATE is what we use- here’s why:

Didn’t wanna name any names- leading store brand on the left/ my hydration choice on the right

💫Adults’ bodies are 60% water, and kids’ are 70%, so it’s important to hydrate and replenish with beverages that don’t have excess calories and sugar. 💦
💫It provides FUNCTIONAL ingredients that contribute to the daily intake of important vitamins and minerals
💫It also contains Antioxidant vitamin C, vitamin B complex, zinc and super fruits.
Amped hydrate contains: * 10-15 calories.* 0 g sugar.* Superfruit electrolyte blend.* Vitamin C.* Vitamin B complex.* Zinc.* natural ingredients. No artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners!! Can I just emphasize this one again, friends?!!
For us, it’s a huge win!!!

Share what clean energy you’re fueling yourself with these days. And, if you’re ready to switch to a cleaner brand, message me for a 25% discount off resale pricing 🤗🤗

Cheers to Spring, movement and healthy hydration for our bodies!!

To your health,


My new favorite wearable tracker…

So, I’ve always been a data girl and you know I’m always trying to move the needle towards optimal health and longevity. So, I decided to do a little experiment this month and wear a cgm (continuous glucose monitor) for two weeks. And what I learned about my body was…SUPER helpful!!

I’ve always had borderline low blood sugar and have experimented with different styles of eating to keep myself balanced the best. But, I also know maintaining balanced blood sugar (whether you typically run too low or too high) is SO important in overall health, with effects on all our body organs/systems, sleep and mood regulation.
So…what did I learn after all???

The best breakfast for my body ⬆️⬆️

✨First- breakfast matters. Like, a lot. I almost always have my morning shake, but occasionally I have some oatmeal/berries/walnuts or some whole grain toast with peanut butter and fruit. When I tracked all these meals through the cgm app, the difference in my body’s response was pretty significant! Oatmeal (even with the nuts added) and toast? Quite a spike. My daily meal replacement shake? Completely steady blood sugar for 3-4 hours after the meal. Now, this wasn’t super surprising, as the meal replacement shakes I use have been studied and consistently show a really minimal glucose spike, but the significant difference between the meals was a bit surprising. (Here’s a link to try them if you want some guaranteed, sustained energy after a meal: )
Does this mean I won’t ever eat oats again? Of course not! But, I may add my protein powder to the oats and berries more often or pair it with a hard boiled egg.

✨I found the right type of intermittent fasting for my body. You all know I am a huge advocate for customized fasting protocols, as so many of my clients have seen drastic changes from them and the research into the health benefits of fasting just keep piling up. Most of my clients do really well with a 1-2 day supported intermittent fasting protocol (see the link above to get a discount on one of our supported fasting products), but I found my blood sugar stayed in a safe range with 12-14 hours of fasting. Since I don’t want to stress my system too much, that’s where I’ll focus my detoxing on for a while. Good to know 👌👌

✨I need to eat after exercise 💪This wasn’t super surprising either. I almost always recommend that my clients refuel with the right ratio of carbs:protein within 60 minutes of working out. But tracking my own body’s glucose response taught me that I need to lean closer to the 0-30 minute time frame. After a tough workout, I don’t wanna be in a catabolic (muscle breakdown) state, so post workout recovery is important for me!

✨Glucose regulation is REALLY important. I noticed that, more often than not, if I was feeling a bit more anxious or having trouble sleeping, it was often because of a rapid increase or decrease in glucose. Good to know!

Now, many of us are told by our doctors that we are healthy, but something might be telling us that we can feel better. I’m glad I advocated for myself and took this step towards understanding how my body works- perhaps you’ll consider it as well??

Tell me- have you ever used a cgm? What did you find most helpful??
To your health, ~Jess

How Alcohol Ages Us

Friends- this month, I am proud to be celebrating “dry January” and hope you are too! Truthfully- it’s not something I ever thought about in the past…if I drink 2 drinks a week, that’s a lot. BUT, you know I’m a bit of a research nerd and here’s the thing…the research OVERWHELMINGLY points out that alcohol is a neurotoxin, leads to inflammation and leaky gut in even small doses, and contributes to aging, poor sleep and mood imbalances. Drinking more than 2 drinks a week for women or 3 drinks a week for men can lead to these results. (Don’t hate me for being the bearer of bad news, folks!) So, why not cut it out for a month, right?!?

If you’re over here celebrating “dry January” with me, or thinking about reducing your alcohol consumption, this week’s article is for you! Special thanks to our guest bloggers this week, Ark Behavioral Health. Ark Behavioral Health is an addiction treatment provider offering substance abuse treatment services in MA and Ohio. Check them out, folks- and spread their contact info to anyone you know who could use this support! Huge thanks to them for the work they do!!

It’s no secret that excessive alcohol consumption is not good for you. From fatty liver disease to a weakened heart and immune system, the health issues that may develop from alcohol abuse are well-documented. Mounting evidence also shows that people who drink heavily tend to age faster, both in appearance and bodily function.

Alcohol speeds up the aging process even for healthy-looking people who reap the benefits of physical activity and an otherwise healthy diet. The following is an overview of how alcohol ages us, both inside and out.  

Inflammation & Dry, Sagging Skin

Alcoholic drinks, particularly wines, beers, and mixed cocktails, can contain high amounts of sugar. Sugar in alcohol can lead to inflammation, which damages cells and tissue throughout the body. Too much sugar from any source can accelerate aging because it interacts with collagen and elastin in the skin, making it less firm over time. 

Alcohol’s dehydrating effects can also lead to dry, sagging skin that wrinkles more easily. Dehydration can also result in a loss of supple skin tone that gives a more youthful look. The skin may look parched, hollow, and wrinkled far beyond your years when alcohol is abused regularly. 

Loss in Bone Density

One of the most pernicious effects of alcohol is how it affects your body’s ability to absorb nutrients like vitamin D and calcium, an essential mineral for bone health. Studies show that excess alcohol consumption leads to a higher risk for osteoporosis. The 2022 study also showed that men who drink too much may produce less testosterone, a hormone linked to helping bones form, and women may have decreased levels of estrogen that can lead to bone loss.  

Nutritional Deficiency 

Heavy alcohol use also causes nutritional deficiencies due to the way it suppresses appetite and leads to consuming fewer healthy foods. A lack of essential nutrients accelerates aging by not giving cells what they need to regenerate. Deficiencies in B vitamins, zinc, and antioxidants show in dull, lackluster skin, hair, and nails. 

Lack of Restful Sleep

While a few drinks may help you fall asleep faster, alcohol reduces restorative REM sleep. People who get less deep sleep tend to look and feel older, with dark circles under their eyes, lower energy levels, and dull skin. Adequate sleep is essential as it allows the body to restore itself on a cellular level.  

Alcohol-Related Brain Damage

Over time, drinking can shrink brain cells and lead to alcohol-related brain damage as well as certain types of dementia. Symptoms of this may include a lack of judgment, limited emotional control, anger issues, and problems staying focused. Accelerated cognitive decline robs you of your youthful vibrancy and independence. Brain aging also makes you less sharp and capable of participating in activities. 

Heart Problems

Drinking too much can cause high blood pressure, arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, and stroke. The heart can wear out before its time, requiring medication, medical procedures, and drastic lifestyle changes to remain operational. When the heart ages prematurely, you will feel fatigued faster and limited in what activities you can participate in. 

Other Life-Threatening Medical Problems

Prolonged heavy drinking can lead to a myriad of medical issues that affect vital organs and make the body feel weaker. Liver disease, pancreatitis, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes are more likely to occur, as are other serious diseases. These ailments can leave you dependent on medications and frequent doctor visits to stay healthy. 

Is There a Safe Amount of Alcohol? 

Current research shows conflicting information about whether there is a safe or even healthy amount of alcohol that people can consume daily. Any amount of ethanol inhibits the liver’s ability to remove toxins from the body in an efficient manner. 

If you want to look as youthful as possible, it’s probably best to abstain from alcohol as much as possible. If you do drink, limit yourself to 1-2 drinks up to 3 times per week maximum. You can also prioritize nutrition, hydration, restful sleep, and exercise to counteract alcohol’s aging properties. 

From increasing disease risk to damaging our youthful looks, alcohol takes a heavy toll on the body and mind. Moderation is key, along with implementing healthy habits to deter premature aging.

Hope you guys soaked in some of that amazing info too! Let’s all move that needle this next month to continued better health!

To your health,


Some Secrets to Longevity

Today, my family and I celebrate my grandmother, who just turned 100!!! Not only is this beautiful soul 100, but she is pretty darn healthy with a memory that I think is just downright impressive. She can always be found with a book in her hand and anytime I call her, she can recite the names and birthdays of each of her grandchildren and great grandchildren…and that is NOT a small number of people to remember!

As we drive to celebrate her with the family, I am reminded of a book I recently finished. In “The Well Lived Life”, Gladys McGarey talks about a few secrets to her life that she has found to be helpful in contributing to her life as a now 103 year old.

I won’t give away her secrets, but I will say this: I picked up this book hoping to learn some holistic wellness solutions I could offer to my family and clients for longevity (and certainly practice myself). Gladys and her husband were founders of the natural health movement and I am thankful for that!

Surprisingly, this book was more about mindset, trust in the universe, looking inward and accepting what life brings to us—-and those are the lifestyle habits I needed to learn a bit more than anything!

What I took from this book is that we can all achieve our dreams in life despite trauma we may have experienced at some point, healing is so much more than just fixing physical symptoms, and life, though inevitably very hard at times, can be celebrated at any age and stage. Also- aging is NOT as bad as we make it out to be 🙌🏼🙌🏼

I’m planning on incorporating Dr. McGarey’s principles from here on out- as we can all experience a life well lived.

Let me know if you give this book a read too!
To your health, ~Jess

23 in ‘23 update

Ok guys- if you were following me last January, you may remember my goals at the start of the year. Inspired by an idea that one of my clients shared, I decided to write out a list of 23 things I wanted to do 23 times this year. The goal was to be productive, but also make time for getting outside my comfort zone with fitness and professional goals while making sure I made time for self care and the relationships that matter to me.

So…how did I do???

I’m giving myself a solid B plus! It may not be a surprise from a trainer, but I met my fitness goals by February 💪 I read most of the books I hoped to, caught up on some professional journal articles and got some household organization tasks checked off my list (definitely not a preferred activity for me!). I volunteered a lot, got together with friends, sent out good ol fashioned cards to friends and clients and started participating in some networking events.

Did I finish everything?? Nope. And it’s super helpful to see which ones I didn’t. I’m SO not beating myself up about that though- and I’m still planning on checking off those goals this January. I believe progress is progress and moving the needle forward consistently over time is way better than pushing for a deadline just to check off the boxes.

This year, I’m honing in on just a few very significant professional and personal goals, but I’m going to remember how good it felt to diversify my daily “to dos”, especially prioritizing self care, friendships and family time in the midst of the drive to “achieve” more. I’m convinced that day to day life may never be completely balanced for me, but over the course of the year, balance and holistic wellness is achievable!

I’d love to hear what you’re looking forward to in 2024!!



How the heck to get my kid to eat protein…

Todays blog is about a topic I chat with my mom friends about atleast a few times each week (and you probably do too, if you have young kids)…how the heck do I get my child to eat more protein?!? And preferably not all in the form of chicken nuggets…

It doesn’t escape me that I am lucky (though, I credit it more to lots of consistency and perseverance, haha…but I digress…) that both of my kids are really “good” eaters. They’re still kids, don’t get me wrong, so we have plenty of frustrating mealtimes at home…but they really do eat a wide variety of healthy foods. I’m no expert, but I’ve found a few tips over the years as a pediatric OT and mom of littles, so here are my fave tips…

🍗Don’t give up after one try. I kid you not- it takes an average of 9-20 exposures of a food that kids don’t prefer before they may eat it. And that’s just an average, btw. Sooooo- if my husband and I are having salmon for dinner and the kids may not like it, a piece of salmon still goes on their plate, along with something we know they will eat. Having kiddos simply tolerate the food on their plate is a GREAT start, without having to push things too much.

🥑Be creative with breakfast. There’s SO much great research about the benefits of including protein in breakfast, including support for attention and focus, so breakfast in our house always includes some protein. Adding nut butter, eggs and protein powders into breakfast is common in our house. The oatmeal bake above is a favorite:

🥤Make your own smoothie bar. After school is a great time to play around with some smoothie combos. We use one scoop of protein powder (use a clean brand and DEF avoid artificial sweeteners, carageneen, etc…) There are some good ones out there, but here’s our favorite: plain Greek yogurt, nut butter, chia seeds, spinach, etc…for some extra benefits! My kids often do a shake after school or sometimes after dinner if they’re craving something sweet.

🧑‍🍳Have the kids cook with you! Even better- have them go grocery shopping with you and pick one new, healthy food to try each week. Both my kids love having say in what they’ll be eating and I love that they now know how to choose healthy options.

🥗Talk about different food groups and why they’re all important. We do that at dinner sometimes- the kids understand the basics and they really like sharing what they’ve learned. My son will frequently ask what foods will give him big muscles, and is always eager to eat that chicken or tofu he’s been pushing around on his plate after he hears the answer 💪

🥙And, of course, modeling healthy meals ourselves may be most important. This may take time, but when kids see you blending up your post workout shake, eating a salad, choosing fruit instead of processed snacks, than their natural inclination will be to do the same as they grow. We are truly the best teachers our kiddos have.

I truly appreciate that this is not a one side fits all kinda thing. Some of this may work for your family, some may not. You may have other tips and I’d LOVE to hear those too!! It’s does take a village, right?!!

Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful weekend!

To your health,


The Happy Project đŸ˜Š

December is a busy time full of LOTS of events—but it can also be a hard time for many. I can’t be the only one who struggles with winter, right?? The dark, short days, the pressure to get so much done, and sometimes lots of emotions that come up this time of year…all very valid reasons that December can be both joyful and yet HARD for so many.

That’s why I’m really dialing into some important habits with my wellness clients and team this month- we’re calling it “The Happy Project” and it’s gonna be AWESOME.

Hopefully you’re reading this and thinking about joining us for this month of gratitude, community, healthy habits and natural supplements to improve mood and energy levels. But even if you’re not, there’s SO much you can do to keep your mindset in a healthier place right now (note: this is not a substitute for medical advice and important mental health treatment. I 100% encourage all of us to seek out the right professionals for that- I’ve done it and am proud of the bravery it takes to get extra support when needed❤️)

Here are my tried and true methods for keeping your happiness up:

Part of my daily ritual is walking my son to school. Some mornings it’s hard (New England weather is harsh), but it’s always worth it!

✅Move often. Daily, actually…Here’s the thing- we’re energetic beings by nature. We were designed to move daily, often, a lot. And our modern lives just don’t afford us that movement. Stagnant energy is not happy energy. So make it a goal to get 7-10,000 steps in a day- be it a walk outside, up and down your stairs, on a walking pad or treadmill. Play some energetic movement and dance around. Throw on a kickboxing workout or get on your bike. But do move, and move often. ESPECIALLY when you notice your mood is starting to trend down- it DOES help!!

Peleton workouts are a blend of exercise and community- the perfect equation for improved mood for me!

✅when in doubt, drink water. I recently listened to a podcast that discussed how dehydration is a cause of almost every symptom people could be feeling. I’m not saying it’s the ONLY root cause, but it does make sense to try to focus on hydration as a first line in treating/preventing headaches, muscle aches, low energy, glucose spikes, joint pain, gut issues…the list goes on. Since so many symptoms are related to each other, it does seem like drinking water can help us feel better and the cascade effect of that in many areas can be huge. And many people don’t drink enough. Another perk: drinking more water and non sugar, non caffeinated drinks may even help us drink less alchohol and caffeine- which is always a good thing this time of year (decreasing alchohol can DEF help decrease feelings of anxiety, etc…)

✅Focus on community. Relationships have always had a significant place in my life. Some of my best friends today were my best friends when I was 4. Mostly because they’re incredibly awesome people and also because we all make a dedicated effort to stay connected, despite living further apart and having super busy lives. I also have a few awesome groups of mom friends where we live- and the connections there make the day to day, chaotic parts of mom life much easier to tackle. Lastly, my wellness community is huge in my life- connecting with people that align with my mission of improved personal health and helping others improve their health makes it easy for me to stick to my self care goals. No matter what your group is, finding a community to connect with, inspire and be inspired by and hopefully see each other in person some days is really, really, really important.

This trio is just the best. Give it a try for 30 days- you won’t regret it!!

✅find supplements that work for you. I understand the controversy about supplements being unregulated, but finding a reputable company that does third party testing is totally possible, and I’m living proof that good supplements can make SUCH a difference in your health. MANY people are living with leaky gut symptoms or dysbiosis- which can definitely lead to feelings of anxiety, depressed mood, etc…After all, a significant portion of our mood regulating neurotransmitters reside in the gut. Providing a healthy home for those neurotransmitters is key. There are also a lot of supplements that can improve mood, energy and brain fog. Working with a qualified functional medicine practitioner or coach can really help you narrow down the supplements that work for you. For me, cbd, adaptogens and gut supporting products are a part of my daily routine and I can’t imagine my daily life without them. Here’s a link to try my top three recommendations for improving mood and energy at a 25% off discount:

✅practice gratitude. This is a daily must too. I try to start and end every day in gratitude. Ideally, I’m writing in my gratitude journal, but at the very least, the kids and I say 3 things we’re grateful for on our walk or ride to school drop off every day. The research behind this practice is strong- but if you’re doubting it at all, I encourage you to try it for 3 weeks and notice the difference 🙏

If any of this sounds realistic and helpful for you, and you wanna practice these components of happiness with a community cheering you on, I invite you to join our “Happy Project” this December. Comment below if you want details ⬇️⬇️

Wishing you all lots of moments of peace, joy and so much happiness this season ❄️❄️❄️