Protect your body and our planet with these few steps…

Who else just loves a good podcast on their walks or drives into work?? 
I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts the other day, The Cabral Concept, and the topic was on plastic particles and their effect on our health. All of today’s info is from that episode, which I highly recommend you all listen to:

Now, I generally think of myself as pretty healthy and careful about my exposure to toxins. I limit processed foods, I don’t eat out of anything plastic, I use non toxic personal care and cleaning products, and I barely drink. But, this episode reminded me about how much plastic we are absorbing from our environment…and it’s not a minuscule amount. 2/3 of the people in a recent study were found to have micro plastics in their blood and this was highly linked to cardiovascular disease. Listen to the show for all the exact stats, but I urge all of us to think of 1-2 changes we can make to eliminate plastics where we can and detox from those we cannot avoid.

These are my top tips:

🚫Don’t microwave plastic or put plastic plates, containers, etc… in the dishwasher. It’s alarming how many times I see people heating up frozen meals or leftovers in plastic containers. I used to do it too, so I get that it’s convenient, but it’s equally convenient to store in Pyrex/glass containers and heat right in those. If you’re eating a frozen meal, see if you can transfer to a glass container before reheating. If you can’t, it might be worth foregoing that meal…

💦💦Glass or stainless steel water bottles!! I feel like many of us do this already, but I’m guilty of reaching for a plastic bottle at a party, etc…But if we think about it…we don’t know if that water bottle has been sitting in the heat, in which case, you can bet there’s some plastic leeching into what you’re drinking.

🛒Reusable grocery bags. Here’s another area I’m 50% in. I always bring my reusable bags to the store, but then use the smaller plastic bags for produce, etc…This is an easy switch for me to make and I plan on it 🙂

🥤Use glass bottles or stainless steel for sparkling water, smoothies, iced coffee, etc… Again, this just takes a little pre-planning but it’s a switch I plan to make.

🪀Reduce plastic toy exposure for kids. I sure wish I could go back in time, but since I can’t, I plan to try to buy the babies in my life cleaner, less toxic options whenever I can.

👩‍🍳Ditch the plastic cutting boards! My hubby and I made this switch many years ago and there’s no looking back. Those plastic cutting boards get pretty beat up and if always seemed a little dicey to me


Eating more cruciferius veggies is a simple way to detox our bodies. In addition to upping my veggie intake at all meals, I try to drink a serving of this non gmo, organic greens mixture every afternoon. It’s delicious and helps me get to my goal of 5-7 servings of fruits/veggies per day.

I also love my Cleanse for Life drink. I completely get it when people remind me that our livers are a naturally detoxifying organ. But our livers simply need support these days keeping up with how inundated we are with toxins. It feels pretty empowering to know there is something we CAN do to detox our bodies though!! You can shop for your greens and detox support here:

I’d love to hear if you’ve read/heard any research in this area and also how you manage to keep your plastic exposure minimized!! We’re all in this together!!

To your health ✨~Jess

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